CMS Made Simple API

CmsLayoutTemplateQuery extends CmsDbQueryBase
in package

A class to represent a template query, and its results.

This class accepts in it's constructor an array (or a comma separated string, of filter arguments). Accepted filter arguments are:
o:string - The originator name
i:##,##,## - A list of template id's
t:## - A template type id
c:## - A template category id.
d:## - A design id
u:## - A template owner id
e:## - An additional editor id.
l:# - A boolean (0 or 1) indicating listable, or not listable.

$qry = new CmsTemplateQuery(array('o:'.get_userid(false)));
$qry->limit = 50;
$list = $qry->GetMatches();




Robert Campbell


Table of Contents


$EOF  : bool
$fields  : array<string|int, mixed>
$limit  : int
$numpages  : int
$offset  : int
$sortby  : string
$sortorder  : string
$totalrows  : int
$_args  : mixed
This member stores the original arguments passed to the constructor and used when generating the query.
$_limit  : mixed
The (integer) page limit.
$_offset  : mixed
The current (integer) offset in the list of results
$_rs  : mixed
This member stores the raw database resultset object.
$_totalmatchingrows  : mixed
The total number of rows matching the query.


__construct()  : mixed
Close()  : mixed
Close the resultset and free any resources it may have claimed.
EOF()  : bool
Test if the resultset is pointing past the last record in the returned set
execute()  : mixed
Execute the query given the parameters saved in the query
GetMatchedTemplateIds()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the list of matched template ids
GetMatches()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get all matches
GetObject()  : CmsLayoutTemplate
Get the template object for the current member of the resultset (if any).
GetTemplate()  : CmsLayoutTemplate
Get the template object for the current member of the resultset (if any)
MoveFirst()  : mixed
Modify the resultset object and point to the first record of the matched rows.
MoveLast()  : mixed
Modify the resultset object and point to the last record of the matched rows.
MoveNext()  : mixed
Modify the resultset object and point to the next record of the matched rows.
RecordCount()  : int
Return the number of records that match the the current query subject to page limits, this method will return either the pagelimit or a lesser value.
Rewind()  : mixed
Modify the resultset object and point to the first record of the matched rows.
TotalMatches()  : int
Return the total number of matching records that match the current query


$EOF read-only

public bool $EOF

Indicates wether the resultset is past the last element (read only)

$fields read-only

public array<string|int, mixed> $fields

Associative array of the current row of the resultset (read only)

$limit read-only

public int $limit

The maximum number of rows to return in one resultset (read only)

$numpages read-only

public int $numpages

The total number of pages of rows that match the query (read only)

$offset read-only

public int $offset

The start offset of rows to return when executing the query (read only)


public string $sortby

The sorting field for the returned results. Possible values are: id,name,created,modified,type. The default is to sort by template name.';


public string $sortorder

The sorting order for the returned results. Possible values are: ASC,DESC. The default is ASC.

$totalrows read-only

public int $totalrows

The total number of rows in the database that match the query (read only)


This member stores the original arguments passed to the constructor and used when generating the query.

protected mixed $_args = array()


The current (integer) offset in the list of results

protected mixed $_offset = 0


The total number of rows matching the query.

protected mixed $_totalmatchingrows = \null

This value is populated after execute() is called.





public __construct([mixed $args = '' ]) : mixed
$args : mixed = ''

Accepts an associative array (key=>value) with arguments for the query, or a comma separarated string of arguments.


Close the resultset and free any resources it may have claimed.

public Close() : mixed


Test if the resultset is pointing past the last record in the returned set

public EOF() : bool
Return values


Execute the query given the parameters saved in the query

public execute() : mixed

o * @throws CmsInvalidDataException


Though this method can be called directly, it is also called by other members automatically.


Get the list of matched template ids

public GetMatchedTemplateIds() : array<string|int, mixed>

This method calls the execute method.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Array of integers


Get all matches

public GetMatches() : array<string|int, mixed>

This method calls the execute method

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Array of CmsLayoutTemplate objects


Modify the resultset object and point to the first record of the matched rows.

public MoveFirst() : mixed

If execute has not been called yet, this method will call it.


Modify the resultset object and point to the last record of the matched rows.

public MoveLast() : mixed

If execute has not been called yet, this method will call it.


Modify the resultset object and point to the next record of the matched rows.

public MoveNext() : mixed

If execute has not been called yet, this method will call it.


Return the number of records that match the the current query subject to page limits, this method will return either the pagelimit or a lesser value.

public RecordCount() : int

If execute has not already been called, this method will call it.

Return values


Modify the resultset object and point to the first record of the matched rows.

public Rewind() : mixed

This is a synonym for MoveFirst()

If execute has not been called yet, this method will call it.



Return the total number of matching records that match the current query

public TotalMatches() : int

If execute has not already been called, this method will call it.

Return values

On this page

Search results